This Month's Figure Drawings

Once again, I have had the pleasure of attending a fantastic "Draw!" session at Lowe Mill. . . and as usual, the model was full of personality and distinctive style. The first drawing of the day [above] has become a personal favorite of mine-- it is not merely a nice drawing of a girl but a composition in its own right. I found the second pose [below] somewhat harder to draw (our model's features were very subtle, and the slight change in angle was difficult to capture), but I think the result still has a very nice bit of defiant energy.


Anonymous said...

For figure drawing, you did a great job capturing the model, in my opinion. Yes, I would have a hard time capturing the second pose as well.

Christina Wegman said...

Thanks once again! You know, in retrospect, I think I was sitting too close to the model for pose #2. . . I have to remind myself sometimes to walk around the room a bit and study different angles/the 3-dimensionality of the model or set-up. I'm working on it! *grins*